At the end of our life we will wonder what we have done with it.

Life is specifically made up of time, for some it will be shorter for others longer, there is no guarantee. Yet without a doubt we will all find ourselves at the end of the line wondering if we used our time well and did we do those things we wanted to do, living an authentic life that we wanted to live. 

“If you love life, then don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” ~ Bruce Lee

Living in a space where we did the most important things in our lives, serving, protecting and most of all creating a life for ourselves and those we love, making our existence in the world better for that fact that we passed through.

The idea that to live through this life, merely to pass through as a reaction as opposed to living life by design is more likely to have us face our end of life with deep regret. We will face of all the things we could have done, should have done, or would have, if we just utilized our time better.

I always like to consider time as a currency that can be spent very much like money. We can squander it and spend frivolously, always coming up short of money at the end of each pay check. We could also invest it and have our money in a sense work for us, improving the quality of life.

This concept of money is the same as time, we can squander it, and we can invest it. The only thing we cannot do is save it. It has to be spent with every minute that passes by, in that moment the coins of time are gone, slipped out from our pockets of life.

The second reason why productivity is so vitally important is that we get to live and spend the time of our life here by the means of design. We get to choose what we want, what we wish to accomplish, how we wish to improve and live specifically by design. Human beings in the modern world are not living authentically, we are told how we learn, what we should strive for, what a happy life should look like, what car to buy, what house to buy, where to live the size of our house, how often we need to go on vacation. So much of our lives are influenced upon by society, our peers for what we believe to be natural, normal. What if your goals and desires are different?

Productivity is the idea that by choosing what we do with our time, we specifically are making a declaration on how we want to live, who we want to be and what we want to be. Productivity is mainly an individual act and defined uniquely by the user and will only truly be effective by personal meaning and value.

Every choice that we make is what we are painting on the canvas of our lives; everything we choose to do or not do has created our current life or is creating the life we live in, within the near future. 

If we can live life based on action towards our greatest value items of our lives this is what living truly authentic to ourselves would be. For everyone that high value choice is different, for some this might be health, for another it is wealth, family, lifestyle and so on. There is no wrong answer, and the choices can change as long as the things you focus on are primarily your life’s greatest values.

I always like to keep the end in mind, a stoicism way of thinking that if we see everything as finite that everything will end, we will better appreciate life and the opportunities life currently presents to us, never taking our time for granted. I look at time in that manner; I have to ask myself “Would I be pleased to have lived a life as a lie, living for someone else’s agenda, living on the terms of an expectation that is not mine?” I don’t feel I would be happy in the end.

I think that in terms of regrets, even if I did not accomplish all the things I wanted in life I would at least be pleased to know that I lived life on my own terms.

The final thing that productivity brings out is the concept of life flow….

The post above is an excerpt from the beginning pages of my productivity book, that will be released for print in amazon fairly soon. The book discusses productivity in depth, not just in theory but practices that have amplified how much we can get done, gain more time for what matters most, and do it all efficiently, having implemented every thought process, mindset and actions tested and written about in this book. Stay posted for further updates.

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